Q - Teddy won’t sit or stay on command, will I still get nice images?

A - Absolutely! You’ll bring lots of treats for Teddy, and between us we’ll try different things to achieve the shots you want.  Get in touch and we can chat through various options.

Q - Milo can’t be off the lead, will I still get nice images?

A - Absolutely! Sometimes people like the lead trailing off the side of the image, other times they don’t.  Not a problem, I have several photoshop skills and lead removal is one of them.  Get in touch and we can chat through various options.

Q - What happens if its raining on the day of my booking?

A - Not a problem!  It’s not the first time I’ll have walked with a dog in the rain, and the rain can sometimes bring out a different side to a shoot, with the changing textures of the ground and colours in the sky, and also Luna’s fur.  However, if there is a weather warning or common sense is being applied then we can reschedule.

Q - Can I bring Hugo, Willow, Reggie, Bear, Teddy and Molly to the same session?

A - Absolutely! A pack photo always looks great, or I can do individual shots at the same time.  Get in touch and we can chat through various options.

Q - Basil loves the water and mud, will this ruin the images I see?

A - Not at all!  It’s part of who Basil is and I will capture these moments, or the shaking aftermath.  However their towel is always a good thing to bring with you on your photo shoot if your dog is that way inclined.